There are several found in the caves. Just hit the bottom screen everywhere in the caves. Another two will later appear in the women toilette and another one on the lighthouse.
I'm following a walkthrough, but I'm stuck at "Go check the Squallmart then come back to the library to speak with Emily. Pick up the four books." When I went to Squallmart and talked to Emily, she said " Too busy dealing with rude customers". Then, I went to the library but didn't see Emily and the 4 books. Please help!
When you open crystal/empty pocket. There is bar on bottom with progress. What you miss?
You need everything except one extra. Last one Madalyn give you in the end.
When you open crystal/empty pocket. There is bar on bottom with progress. What you miss?
You need everything except one extra. Last one Madalyn give you in the end.
brother i am stuck at 76% progress. these 2 steps are not appearing ------ Emily asks me about alia and getting call from diana about rituals ???
what to do
Hey guys, does anyone have a save right after breaking the cursed item in the cathacombs?
I was there when my hard drive exploded and I really want to finish the game, but dont want to play it from the begining...
The codec of quite a few videos for the compressed version are very broken.
If a video with a broken encoding reaches the end, the game will freeze and get stuck. The game process will stay stuck for a while even after closing the game too.
Here are some examples:
- The title screen, if you wait until the video playing ends.
- Beach binocules first scene.
- Meeting sofia first time
- Alia temple dildo
- Emily, mc under the table (last video)
- Naomi BJ kamasutra (normal outfit only)
And I'm sure there are quite a few more.
The old compressed version for version 1.0112 don't have this problem, but its at half the quality at 1.3GB.
So if anyone wants to have the compressed version working I suggest you download the old compressed version and take the compressed www/movies from there to replace in this version.
I'm at the point (around 78%) where I turn off the valves under the lighthouse. When I do, there's a conversation with the girls by the waterway, and then Clare jumps into the tunnel. However, then my guy starts (seemingly) walking to go follow her but runs into Alia and just stops. I can't do anything at this point because the game seems to be locked into playing out that animation but is unable to complete it. Is this a known bug? Is there any way to fix it/progress?
Edit: I figured out that the game assumes you will come through the door via the left side and then the animation plays out just fine. If you enter on the right the bug occurs.
It's not mandatory, Lust Epidemic, Treasure of Nadia and The Genesis Order can be played separately but, being them part of a saga, with cameos and flashback related to each other, it would certainly enhance your experience if you started with LE first.