ASMR School Nurse's Office💛 (Annual Exam, Lice Check, Taking Care of You)

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Hi everyone! It's Latte :)
    Welcome to the school nurse's office! I will do a anuual checkup and lice check
    and also take care of you when you're sick. I hope you enjoy!
    Thank you so much for watching and have a lovely day!

Комментарии • 2,5 тыс.

  • @dc5046
    @dc5046 2 года назад +6382

    "Nothing painful, nothing scary...just stay comfortable." That perfectly describes how I feel when I step into Latte's ASMR world.

    • @mrcleantrash2345
      @mrcleantrash2345 2 года назад +32

      Why are potato green when Bob Ross o orange like do you want a egg or not just say 3

    • @RockinChairGoblin
      @RockinChairGoblin 2 года назад +47

      @@mrcleantrash2345 Gak, you've given me a damn stroke.

    • @sadgirlzclub816
      @sadgirlzclub816 2 года назад +39

      @@mrcleantrash2345 wtf are you on and can I have some lmfaoooooo

    • @trulythedude
      @trulythedude 2 года назад +21

      @@mrcleantrash2345 wow youre so random

    • @rhinna2k
      @rhinna2k 2 года назад +23

      @@mrcleantrash2345 no bob ross green potato blue and 3 sleep i like egg not 3 i yes

  • @misslyntheena
    @misslyntheena 2 года назад +3578

    time • stamps
    _annual exam_
    0:00 Introduction to the checkup
    0:40 writing down your information
    1:00 sanitising her hands
    1:35 checking your height and weight
    2:45 checking your blood pressure (pumping sounds, crinkly fabric sounds)
    4:28 listening to your heart and lungs
    5:15 you can listen to your own heartbeat
    7:00 looking into your ears (close up whispers)
    8:04 hearing tests (whispering numbers)
    8:45 eyesight chart
    10:23 looking into your eyes with a penlight
    12:12 looking into your mouth with a penlight
    13:25 face touching, checking for lumps
    15:19 giving you sweets 🍬
    _lice check up_
    16:00 explaining lice to you
    17:48 checking your scalp with a comb
    22:00 fine tooth combing your hair to get the lice out
    26:25 checking with a penlight and taking out single lice with tweezers
    28:42 wetting and shampooing your hair (water bottle/spritzing and glove sounds)
    32:00 putting a cover/bonnet on your head
    32:56 removing the cover
    33:30 spraying lotion on your head (water bottle sounds)
    35:25 giving you another sweet 🍬
    _taking care of you_
    35:55 asking you questions (keyboard and writing sounds)
    38:10 face and hand touching
    38:45 taking your temperature
    39:29 giving you medicine and water (water pouring sounds)
    40:55 wiping off your cold sweat
    41:20 warm pad on your tummy
    42:24 breathing exercises
    42:35 massaging hands and arms
    45:15 comforting you and putting you to sleep
    46:52 positive affirmations and face touching
    Sleep well everyone x hope this helps some of you 🤍 just like Latte said at the end “you are special” ✨

    • @mia.doxsee8455
      @mia.doxsee8455 2 года назад +59

      I can see every edit you make when i refresh the time stamps I’ll come back when they done 😊

    • @hmm_tlmm
      @hmm_tlmm 2 года назад +22

      life saver :)

    • @tanaki_aka
      @tanaki_aka 2 года назад +11

      Love you

    • @etherealbeing4893
      @etherealbeing4893 2 года назад +59

      I hope both sides of your pillow are cool

    • @Azriskooo2
      @Azriskooo2 2 года назад +14

      Thanks bro

  • @KatiePotatie1986
    @KatiePotatie1986 2 года назад +1142

    The slow, almost distracted sounding whispers she does sometimes are golden. Like during the lice check when she says "tiny.. little.... creatures." Like she's talking and super focused on what she's doing at the same time. I love it so much.

    • @D1VA_X0X0
      @D1VA_X0X0 9 месяцев назад +2

      Yessss. 🥲🥲🥲🥲 ♥♦♠♣♪

    • @papu.c5219
      @papu.c5219 8 месяцев назад

      @@D1VA_X0X0 hi

  • @catinspace887
    @catinspace887 2 года назад +934

    "You wanna listen to your own heartbeat?
    Of course you can do that ☺️"
    She literally radiates a positive energy that I can't express but it makes me feel warm and welcomed 🥺❤️

    • @catinspace887
      @catinspace887 2 года назад +3

      @@cyphrii7531 wait why? Pls educate me on this 🤠😭😭

    • @flohwalzer
      @flohwalzer 2 года назад +2

      @@cyphrii7531 whaaat?? why o.o

    • @xLiLlyx98
      @xLiLlyx98 2 года назад +3

      @@cyphrii7531 okay, that sounds like bullshit xD

    • @medic12333
      @medic12333 2 года назад +36

      @@cyphrii7531 As a nurse for 25 years I can assure you there's no danger to listen one's own heartbeat. I've listened to my own many times as have countless others. There are apps where folks can listen to their heartbeat live. It's not dangerous.

    • @rxch2706
      @rxch2706 2 года назад +5

      @@medic12333 thanks for educating us!

  • @leinvie7105
    @leinvie7105 2 года назад +2151

    Latte is literally the only asmrtist who can make me sleep not gonna lie. Her voice and soft moves makes me fall asleep so fast.

    • @pixelsticks8637
      @pixelsticks8637 2 года назад +9

      Me too 💜💖

    • @shelbywilder7321
      @shelbywilder7321 2 года назад +28

      You should look up TingTingASMR, I love her!

    • @wendyfiolek5914
      @wendyfiolek5914 2 года назад +8

      She has the sweetest and softest voice.

    • @izrealquintana1903
      @izrealquintana1903 2 года назад +1

      no madi asmr??

    • @adii._.4591
      @adii._.4591 2 года назад +9

      No actually tho- especially that ear piercing cafe video. I always fall asleep watching that

  • @jw_milne
    @jw_milne 2 года назад +461

    I love how Latte takes her time to make videos - she doesn’t just pump them out to meet a quota, she puts so much work into making sure each one is perfect. Thank you Latte!🥰

    • @stargasior
      @stargasior 2 года назад +6

      Absolutely. Quality over quantity.

  • @roksolananesterenko
    @roksolananesterenko 2 года назад +723

    Latte has been a safe place for me for the last three years. Now it is really calming to fall asleep with her videos after air-raid sirens (we have them almost every day here in Ukraine). Write this just to remember what helps me get through times full of anxiety and anger
    upd: Thank you all for your support in the comments❤

    • @michelewelsh2273
      @michelewelsh2273 2 года назад +52

      I’m so sorry you have to go through that! God bless you and your family! I hope you all remain safe and this mess is over quickly!

    • @MummaMarsh
      @MummaMarsh 2 года назад +40

      *big hug* to you, so sorry for the nightmare you are currently living

    • @Chaarrlliiieeee
      @Chaarrlliiieeee 2 года назад +32

      Sending best wishes & I hope you and your family stay safe 💙💛

    • @reaverkai
      @reaverkai 2 года назад +26

      I hope the war ends as soon as possible, meanwhile i hope you are safe. Big hug, and much love and strength to you, your family, and everyone there that might need it

    • @blessedsoul333
      @blessedsoul333 2 года назад +11

      Stay safe💜

  • @JorgeDiaz-nc7dt
    @JorgeDiaz-nc7dt 2 года назад +78

    The fact that I’ve heard her apologise for her english on several occasions, yet she speaks it perfectly. I love her so much.

  • @_laenalovegood
    @_laenalovegood 2 года назад +163

    The way she plays with different colours in her videos whether its the background or her clothes and makeup is always so well thought and executed its so nice to look at 😍 also she looks so cute in that haircut 💖

  • @yingsnb
    @yingsnb 2 года назад +3030

    Maybe it’s the lighting, but Latte looks like she is glowing. She also seemed more energetic but maybe that’s just me. I hope she’s doing well!

    • @margueriteslays
      @margueriteslays 2 года назад +206

      Same! I noticed a couple videos back that she looked a little less energetic and I really hope she’s taking care of herself and doing better.

    • @Deakybean181
      @Deakybean181 2 года назад +139

      I am glad I'm not the only one that noticed this! Lately she's been way more vibrant! Last year she almost looked depressed in her videos

    • @dianacorigliano
      @dianacorigliano 2 года назад +18

      Yess!! i saw that too

    • @katarzynakowalska5768
      @katarzynakowalska5768 2 года назад +34

      @@margueriteslays for me she seemed to be more tired last time 🤔

    • @sizarreiter6190
      @sizarreiter6190 2 года назад +3


  • @captainjacksparrow2152
    @captainjacksparrow2152 2 года назад +341

    The last part is especially comforting to me because last week has been my finals week and I fell sick. Every time I get a little better, I immediately go back to my studies and then end up having fever again. What Latte said about health being more important than tests felt really comforting to me. ♡ Thanks, Latte!

    • @emilyrinehart2067
      @emilyrinehart2067 2 года назад +27

      Never be afraid to ask for an extension! Most teachers are willing to do that for illness or emergency. It’s not an inconvenience or taking the easy way out. Rest ❤️

    • @princekurie805
      @princekurie805 2 года назад +5

      Holy fuck it’s Captain Jack Sparrow

    • @wariwarin
      @wariwarin 2 года назад +5

      I hope u get well soon! Speaking of being sick duribg exams during middle school i always had fever whenever exam szns come and was eventually diagnosed w tonsillitis. (. The straining and stress were exaggerating the symptoms so i eventually got tonsillectomy)
      And during high school I'd have severe stomachache and fever so i was once again diagnosed w Typhoid. I just came here to let you know the two more common problems that can come during exam szn (thru my own experience) . If it's not the virus and the common flu, i suggest seeing a doctor! If it's nothing, then good! If there IS sth, better to be early! Regards to u

    • @vxampys_z
      @vxampys_z 2 года назад

      @@princekurie805 I’m crying laughing, thank you 🤣

  • @tchkbty7489
    @tchkbty7489 2 года назад +798

    I sometimes imagine. Can the whole world love a person? Yes Latte's smile says it all .

    • @Rancoured
      @Rancoured 2 года назад +12


    • @thedonasmr
      @thedonasmr 2 года назад +22

      @@Rancoured what are you confused about

    • @breadolife2267
      @breadolife2267 2 года назад +2

      The whole world is loved by Jesus because he laid down his life so that whoever trusts in him cam be forgiven of their sins and live

    • @Sharah55
      @Sharah55 2 года назад


    • @tchkbty7489
      @tchkbty7489 2 года назад +7

      @@breadolife2267 understand the context.

  • @leighgasp
    @leighgasp 2 года назад +890

    “You are special. God’s creation. You are important.” Latte has me crying instead of sleeping

    • @Toastedloafcafe
      @Toastedloafcafe 2 года назад +45

      Same😭😭 I had tears in my eyes after she said that 🥲

    • @alexandrapreston7283
      @alexandrapreston7283 2 года назад +15

      Same I was balling my eyes out

    • @DrWendyVT
      @DrWendyVT 2 года назад +11

      I need to start going to church again but I have no time and Im 20 with temps

    • @yen9338
      @yen9338 2 года назад +2

      timestamp 😭😭?

    • @nnicocolle
      @nnicocolle 2 года назад +21

      @@yen9338 46:56

  • @nicolewheeler8967
    @nicolewheeler8967 2 года назад +444

    Almost at 2 million followers and she deserves every single one of them. I cannot stress how long I’ve been watching her videos. It’s been a glorious 5 years with you 🥺✨😭❤️

    • @一头一头
      @一头一头 2 года назад +6


    • @Georgino893
      @Georgino893 2 года назад +4

      Same ❤️ best 5 years of my life with Lattes sweet videos 🥹❤️

    • @alyssajones4368
      @alyssajones4368 2 года назад +1


    • @vxampys_z
      @vxampys_z Год назад +1

      Subscribers* but I totally agree this was so relaxing it makes me fall asleep every night ❤ (I wasn’t trying to be rude)

  • @RachASMR
    @RachASMR 2 года назад +1352

    Okay I was having a really stressful/bad day and just from seeing this video pop up when I opened RUclips *immediately* made me feel better and I felt *relaxed.* I haven’t even watched it yet, but I know no matter what the video it is, I’ll love it because it’s you. You’re ASMR is *TOP TIER* every single time!

    • @Gmwp004
      @Gmwp004 2 года назад +5

      I was JUST watching your new video! 2 of my favs uploading so close together I'm here for it

    • @minecat-anisapria-7965
      @minecat-anisapria-7965 2 года назад +2

      Hi Rach! I was either watching this or your new video and wanted to give this a chance. Latte is actually my #2. YOU'RE my #1!
      I'm the person who said that got bit by a squirrel.

    • @Tsukuykamy
      @Tsukuykamy 2 года назад +50

      Please STOP taking advantage of Latte's videos to get attention to your own channel.

    • @rachelsalata5216
      @rachelsalata5216 2 года назад +5

      @@Tsukuykamy they are clearly acquainted so what's the issue? I get what you're saying but it isn't a problem. There's much bigger fish to fry.

    • @rachelsalata5216
      @rachelsalata5216 2 года назад +7

      @@Tsukuykamy you need to find ur niche and stick with it. We like positive ppl not demonic entities so please just find ur calling. It's not here.

  • @gabrielafranco1028
    @gabrielafranco1028 2 года назад +1105

    Is it just me or Latte is glowing/sparkling more than ever? She’s so precious, I wish she could know how much she’s loved and appreciated by all and each one of her coffee beans ❤︎
    (Edit: i just meant to say how much she’s a beautiful person. I did not intend to say anything other than that >

    • @xxghost_maniacxx4264
      @xxghost_maniacxx4264 2 года назад +9

      She is a lot

    • @jaynecooney9549
      @jaynecooney9549 2 года назад +7

      I think she may be pregnant I can see it

    • @jaydsh
      @jaydsh 2 года назад +122

      @@jaynecooney9549 how are you seeing that 😭

    • @idiot1117
      @idiot1117 2 года назад +158

      @@jaynecooney9549 It’s so rude to assume that about someone

    • @xxghost_maniacxx4264
      @xxghost_maniacxx4264 2 года назад +1

      @@jaynecooney9549 wtf u can't even see her stomach. Also I think ur mom is pregnant

  • @ms.lionel705
    @ms.lionel705 2 года назад +424

    If the whole world listened to Latte every night what a peaceful wonderful world we would live in.

    • @donsimons9810
      @donsimons9810 2 года назад +11

      you’re confused. late night phone use is part of problem

    • @fluffythebluepersian4888
      @fluffythebluepersian4888 2 года назад +5

      That is true. I limit listening to ASMR only a few times a week

    • @liz4926
      @liz4926 2 года назад +14

      @@donsimons9810 you seem like fun at parties 😐

    • @iceJJenny
      @iceJJenny 2 года назад +12

      @@fluffythebluepersian4888 Ironically ASMR keeps me up. I spend an extra hour trying to find the most relaxing video to fall asleep to 😭

    • @donsimons9810
      @donsimons9810 2 года назад +2

      @@liz4926 having a perceived and one-sided relationship with a youtube personality is not a peace anyone wants. If an ocean breeze or rain storm works for you, it's probably a better idea. I think even Latte would agree..

  • @tourmalineKey
    @tourmalineKey 2 года назад +123

    This haircut really suits you! You have such a soft and gentle demeanor that really makes me feel safe and relaxed. Thank you for continuing to create such high quality content!

  • @CapBaileyASMR
    @CapBaileyASMR 2 года назад +507

    Well this was hella relaxing

    • @sunnyyamazaki5624
      @sunnyyamazaki5624 2 года назад +5

      love u

    • @amelie221
      @amelie221 2 года назад +12

      aww hey! Its so cool too see other asmrtists supporting others il your vidsss!

    • @theaspiecoach5934
      @theaspiecoach5934 2 года назад +9

      Yo I’m not gay (proud ally tho) but dang bro. Could you get any more handsome king?!

    • @CapBaileyASMR
      @CapBaileyASMR 2 года назад +9

      @@theaspiecoach5934 haha! You're kind.

    • @reesie_pieces
      @reesie_pieces 2 года назад


  • @HealerGenevieveASMR
    @HealerGenevieveASMR 2 года назад +2704

    If you see this, this is your sign. You’re on the right track and are learning how to believe in yourself like you never have before. Don’t give up! You’re on your way! 🌟

    • @makarohka1446
      @makarohka1446 2 года назад +40

      Damn, thanks

    • @Kittcat14
      @Kittcat14 2 года назад +10


    • @Bia-lm8it
      @Bia-lm8it 2 года назад +13

      Thank you

    • @RealMariNova
      @RealMariNova 2 года назад +25

      Means alot it’s weird I’ve never seen this comment until now but this is definitely a sign thank you 😊

    • @Sillyyguyy
      @Sillyyguyy 2 года назад +9

      I wish this was true.

  • @lab_v4965
    @lab_v4965 2 года назад +230

    "We've done this before right?" Ahh the details. I'm already anticipating next year's annual exam. Thank you always Latte! ❤️

    • @ShinnoEli
      @ShinnoEli 2 года назад +14

      Yup. I loved when she thought to explain what "stethoscope" meant, and let us listen to our heart. Because we were obviously an actual kid, and kids ask questions. *^_^*

    • @lab_v4965
      @lab_v4965 2 года назад +9

      @@ShinnoEli i'm so sorry I was lost with your comment, I'm not sure if I understand it correctly, but when she said "We've done this before right" I was actually referring to the other Lice Exam Video that she did awhile back.

    • @asiled_
      @asiled_ 2 года назад +2

      it made me smile so much. Feels like she really knows us well🥰

    • @blksundomme6836
      @blksundomme6836 2 года назад

      @@lab_v4965 Do you have any social skills? Lmao what a weird thing to correct on

  • @laridfdr
    @laridfdr 2 года назад +133

    Latte, you don't know how much loved and important you really are. i wish i'd comment on your videos before, but I'd always end up way too sleepy to do so. i've been watching your videos and uploads since 2018, i'm a huge fan of yours, you've been helping me with my little insomnias, struggles, and anxiety, always making sure that i feel good and relaxed. you've been playing a really important role in my life as my favorite ASMR artist, and i just wish you know that. you're so amazing and talented, always make sure to remember that.
    thank you so much ♡
    lots of love from brazil ♡

  • @RubeVeluv
    @RubeVeluv 2 года назад +105

    She seems so happy in this video! Not that she doesn’t seem happy in her other videos, but just a bit more bubbly and energetic! 💕

    • @jellytunes
      @jellytunes Год назад +2

      I know 😭 honestly in some of her other videos she looks sort of out of it and depressed so I get so happy when she’s bubbly and happy!

  • @disco4535
    @disco4535 2 года назад +133

    10:50 The mouth sounds when she isnt talking and the gentle movements/rustling of her clothes is pure tingles for me

    • @Ellievibes10
      @Ellievibes10 2 года назад +24

      Some people say they hate “wet mouth” sounds but I love them when they’re exactly like this, almost unintentionally and unconsciously done. I even enjoy the sounds of people casually gulping to themselves in videos. IRL, I’d probably wanna smack someone if I heard it over and over. Haha.

    • @miss.azaaustralia6729
      @miss.azaaustralia6729 2 года назад +11

      I feel like she went off them for a bit because of the comments but glad to hear theyre back again aha. lattes mouth sounds are superior, my main trigger

    • @theblackcat7361
      @theblackcat7361 2 года назад +3

      I like them a lot too! I don't usually like mouth sounds but Latte's just sound like a sticky lip gloss sound to me.

  • @shampoopop
    @shampoopop 2 года назад +123

    latte's videos always feel like a warm comforting hug

    • @luvusm111
      @luvusm111 2 года назад +5

      Perfect way to explain it lol

    • @shampoopop
      @shampoopop 2 года назад +1

      @@luvusm111 😭😭 am glad somebody else feels this way too

    • @blagoevski336
      @blagoevski336 2 года назад +2


  • @justadissociativewriter
    @justadissociativewriter 2 года назад +50

    I've been watching Latte for the past 4 to 5 years, ever since I was in late elementary school and her English has gotten so much better. So proud of you, Latte!!!

  • @Floral-Soup
    @Floral-Soup Год назад +10

    I cannot express how much I love getting my blood pressure taken. Latte is one of the only asmrtists that doesn't use the pump thingy that you have to squeeze and I genuinely love that.

  • @Ski-jq6jr
    @Ski-jq6jr Год назад +14

    4:55 idk why but when she asks us if we want to hear our own heart she said it so relaxingly.

  • @luzsosa2657
    @luzsosa2657 2 года назад +41

    There are a thousand ways to show affection towards the person you love, I can give myself the happiness and luxury of saying that "my love language" is having supported you for almost 5 years, in which, my precious latte, you helped me get through and being able to find a moment of relaxation in my breakdowns and anxiety.
    That's why I want to express my eternal gratitude and appreciation for taking care of me in such a way that the distance between your little house and mine would fade or be removed through a screen.
    You saved my life, you comforted me in the most difficult moments of my life, and as an angel, you made me value the present time and enjoy your content, which beyond that for me, and I am sure that for many more people, it means much more than a simple asmr video.
    You were my company when I was alone, and you knew how to heal my feelings with an inexplicable connection, I can afford to say that I consider you part of my life 💖
    Thanks a lot latte, with love, Luz 💕💗

  • @squishyshelli
    @squishyshelli 2 года назад +152

    Latte is the only ASMRtist I know of that switches between soft-spoken and whispered in her videos. With everyone else, it's either one ot the other. It is such a simple difference, but it really makes Latte's ASMR unique and extremely effective.

    • @nickbowden4522
      @nickbowden4522 2 года назад +4

      You might want to check out Articulate Design. He's an absolute master of switching between soft spoken and whispering. IMO he has a particular genius for knowing exactly when to switch for maximum impact. High;y recommended.

    • @squishyshelli
      @squishyshelli 2 года назад

      You guys are awesome, thanks for the recs!

    • @josiepowe9450
      @josiepowe9450 2 года назад +5

      goodnight moon also does this a lot

    • @tedx3386
      @tedx3386 2 года назад +1

      Thank you for the lovely feedback make sure to subscribe

  • @bbueno2009
    @bbueno2009 2 года назад +905

    Latte is that friend who always has everything in her purse, if someone forgot their earrings, she’s got it, if someone is sick, she has a whole ice pack, if someone needs help seeing in a dark room, she got a lamp

    • @StonerOfGotham
      @StonerOfGotham 2 года назад +45

      The mom friend

    • @Cosmickayellie
      @Cosmickayellie 2 года назад +64

      Mom friends are the best. BUT as a mom friend, it suck’s sometimes because we take care of everyone else, BUT we also have to take care of ourselves (meaning no one is there to care for us like we care for others). Always make sure your mom friend knows how loved they are.

    • @KassileeGames
      @KassileeGames 2 года назад +38

      *pulls lamp out of little tiny purse*

    • @samandthehams4496
      @samandthehams4496 2 года назад +9

      You mean Mary Poppins? Practically perfect in every way for sure.

    • @redhairing
      @redhairing 2 года назад +1

      @@samandthehams4496 she’s literally Mary poppins tho- 😂

  • @laurenpranger4193
    @laurenpranger4193 2 года назад +35

    I always wonder if our sweet Latte makes all her own pictures/papers/charts etc.? They all have the same vibe and style. She is so so talented so I wouldn't be surprised if she made them but I wasn't sure if they're something she buys or makes. Either way, they're so cute. I love all the little details she adds. She really is the BEST! 🥰

  • @jamesjackson8521
    @jamesjackson8521 2 года назад +86

    A very beautiful person who is professional at what she does with a voice that is very comforting and sweet thank you latte

    • @vxampys_z
      @vxampys_z 2 года назад +5

      Yes I love her so much she is the one person that can make me fall asleep every night and relax me whenever I need it

    • @yyyyingg
      @yyyyingg 2 года назад

      Yes Yes yes!! I agree!

  • @joanmarymccormack6877
    @joanmarymccormack6877 2 года назад +11

    Her gentle voice is beautiful and the sound of the movement in her rooms with the items for inspection are also soothing.
    Helps me relax and sleep.
    I can drift into a nap during the day listening to this and it revives me so much.
    She is great

  • @alejandro-vk4pb
    @alejandro-vk4pb 2 года назад +68

    She is so pretty! she has this pure, calming, quiet but friendly/caring aura, and its so comforting and can put you in a good mood instantly. And she's so sweet and gives you compliments/encouragements here and there. Latte is the best.

  • @meryem5454
    @meryem5454 2 года назад +30

    the joy of seeing a new video when I think about which video of latte I should sleep with tonight:))
    Good night to everyone💖

  • @uwu-iw7lo
    @uwu-iw7lo 2 года назад +4

    i've watched the original so many times i can mouth it while i'm watching. this made me so happy i'm literally about to cry. the fact that you acknowledged the viewer has grown but still treat them like a child is genuinely extremely healing

  • @mari-vh1oc
    @mari-vh1oc 2 года назад +6

    i’m really having a trouble falling asleep every night, but her calm & gentle voice just put me in the mood to sleep. i hope she knows that she’s helping a lot of young people to relax & feel comfort. :)

  • @ameliadelong8054
    @ameliadelong8054 2 года назад +17

    Latte's nurse videos make my day, she's such a natural caretaker 🥰Love the new hair too, u look gorgeous every day!!

  • @hopelesslyhopeful9162
    @hopelesslyhopeful9162 2 года назад +14

    God I love how sweet she is, I just feel so safe and comfortable when watching. I struggle with pretty bad anxiety, ptsd, and sensory issues so it’s really nice feeling safe enough to fall asleep

    • @jsoc99
      @jsoc99 2 года назад


  • @moonfountain
    @moonfountain 2 года назад +27

    this literally gave me a massive serotonin boost !! we got asmr AND sweets too 🥰 i’m adding this to my playlist of youtube videos to come back to when i feel sad or unwell :))

  • @meandhim3485
    @meandhim3485 2 года назад +32

    With everything going on in the world today, her kindness is just what we need

  • @aesthetics8969
    @aesthetics8969 2 года назад +10

    bro latte is just underrated AF. how does she have ONLY 1m? she deserves much more coz in every single vid her backround is different and she spends lots of effort for her vids cause bruh it isnt even a gren screen

  • @rose_cosplays
    @rose_cosplays 2 года назад +53

    It makes me feel so comfortable when Latte says "You don't have to worry about that". She also makes You feel relaxed when she does actual Doctor stuff that is sometimes scary for me like Latte explains what she is about to do when it's like You are actually there. It's wonderful. 👌

  • @amandabacon128
    @amandabacon128 2 года назад +70

    Oh I love this. I love that extra kindness people put into their voice when talking to children and Latte has captured that in her acting too

  • @TheAwkwardOh
    @TheAwkwardOh 2 года назад +6

    for a small amount of time. her videos provide an escape from all the life stresses going on. truly an angel. love your videos Latte!

  • @ChrissyCrossing412
    @ChrissyCrossing412 2 года назад +12

    Latte telling me I’m taller, Me being very short and teased for it. Confidence has just leveled up.

  • @retrosiren824
    @retrosiren824 2 года назад +139

    I’ve noticed she doesn’t do the opening scenes for a bit where she shows her setting everything up like she used to. I wonder why? But either way I love your videos!!😍 You’re definitely one of the first asmr ladies I’ve loved listening to ☺️☺️☺️

    • @alexglase765
      @alexglase765 2 года назад +16

      She still has quite a few recent videos with that in them

    • @pinkpugginz
      @pinkpugginz 2 года назад +43

      its a lot of extra editing time and work. probably needs a break

    • @retrosiren824
      @retrosiren824 2 года назад +12

      @@pinkpugginz very true haha but I still love her work 😊

  • @jozaart
    @jozaart 2 года назад +7

    i hope you have someone who takes care of you like you take care and nurture us. thank you, Latte. you bring me the nurturance i rarely received from my own mother 🤗💗✨

  • @ARMY_FOREVER13613
    @ARMY_FOREVER13613 2 года назад +12

    I have tinnitus from some months which is not going away her videos always calm me down and help me fall asleep whenever i cannot handle my condition
    Thank you for ur amazing work💜💜💜💜🥰🥰🥰

  • @Misspol222
    @Misspol222 2 года назад +5

    I don't think I've ever passed the 15-minute mark on any of Latte's videos. And that's pretty much the highest praise an asmrtist could get.

  • @noone1700
    @noone1700 2 года назад +16

    Yay more school nurse videos!! The school nurse lice video was how I found your channel!🩹💉💙

  • @りんごジュース-c1f
    @りんごジュース-c1f 2 года назад +22

    😸 お疲れ様です! 今回も 囁きに溶けてます!! 笑顔に 癒やされてます!

  • @brittanyw6087v
    @brittanyw6087v 2 года назад +15

    I am so incredibly proud to see that you are getting the recognition you deserve. 1.82million followers, you go girlfriend 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @ambe786
    @ambe786 2 года назад +2

    Latte, you are such a lovely lady. You have been a blessing of peace for many years with your gentle, sweet and comforting spirit. Thank you from the depths of my heart. May God bless you
    as much as you have blessed us and more. 🥰

  • @blache24
    @blache24 2 года назад +4

    wow, this is so refreshing after remembering all of my experiences with school nurses. they treated me with no empathy when i had lice, and snarkily told me to "be more prepared" when I forgot pads one day. all when i was like 12

  • @nothingspecialaboutme-1150
    @nothingspecialaboutme-1150 2 года назад +9

    latte improvement in role-playing is so amazing to look at. thank you latte for the amazing video as always ❤

  • @yellowpages2k8
    @yellowpages2k8 2 года назад +200

    I hope everyone who reads this is safe, healthy and happy.
    Sweet dreams to you all ❤️
    Thank you Latte

  • @wateringplamts2382
    @wateringplamts2382 2 года назад +6

    i really appreciate that latte warned me about the blood pressure cuff even if I've done it a hundred times before. i always start panicking mentally whenever the sleeve inflates and gives me unusually high blood pressure. i think if nurse latte took my blood pressure it would go smoothly 😊 thank you nurse latte!! i also looove when she says " you've done this before right?" "you remember this?" such confidence in us 💕💕

    • @Madalina1098
      @Madalina1098 2 года назад +1

      Why? It's not that painful. Maybe I'm a bit bias because I measure mine 3-4 times per day😂 Before try to tell yourself that you should stay calm for your own good, to see an accurate measuring. Or close your eyes and think about something else. Anything that might calm you.

  • @misod1n
    @misod1n 2 года назад +5

    it freaks me out that it's been 4 years since i started watching latte's video's :0 she's grown sm i'm literally so happy for her♡

  • @Haylie_marie25
    @Haylie_marie25 8 месяцев назад +3

    Your asmr work always sooths me after a very long school day. Your amazing Latte!

  • @kotokotosa_MK
    @kotokotosa_MK 2 года назад +5


  • @joshwacrossing7283
    @joshwacrossing7283 2 года назад +51

    As soon as Latte says “nice to meet you”, I always feel so much better. ❤️

    • @afallenhuman
      @afallenhuman 2 года назад +4

      Something I do not hear from anyone else but Latte

  • @medic12333
    @medic12333 2 года назад +19

    There's a magic to this video. I literally can't get thru it without sleeping. Nighttime is one thing but I tried twice during the day to hear the rest of it and still couldn't make it without falling asleep again. Latte I don't know if it's your voice or what but goodness you're amazing !👏

  • @elisagorla8246
    @elisagorla8246 2 года назад +3

    haven’t watched a Latte’s video in a while. I used to watch her every day in quarantine 2020 and then I just lost the habit I guess. how could I? I absolutely forgot how calm, relaxed, in peace with the world she makes me feel. I love this woman. She also gets more beautiful every year.

  • @dodobrd1238
    @dodobrd1238 2 года назад +2

    I find it interesting that of the hundreds of asmr artists iv watched, I always come back here. There are a lot of good asmr artists but Latte is one of a kind. I can wholly appreciate that.

  • @laura.sofialesmes1165
    @laura.sofialesmes1165 2 года назад +36

    Latte I've been following you for a few years and I've always admired your work, but recently I realized how important your videos are and really how they help us to be calm... my brother passed away a month ago and your videos calm me down and help me sleep, really thank you so much ❤️

    • @xLiLlyx98
      @xLiLlyx98 2 года назад +11

      So sorry to hear that! Hope you can rest well to this and you find peace ❤️

    • @sanyfalkenberg4986
      @sanyfalkenberg4986 2 года назад

      I'm so sorry for your loss. Condolences to you and your family. I hope you can find peace in those little moments with latte here

  • @CH-to5ry
    @CH-to5ry 2 года назад +64

    Latte’s hair is looking so pretty in her new style- I swear she can pull any style/length off
    Also I liked the video before I even started watching because there is not a single video of hers that is not good😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @purple_latte1441
    @purple_latte1441 2 года назад +45

    ahhh no way im the second like! thank you latte im revising for a maths exam and rlly needed this 🥺 And also it's my bday 😅
    Edit: Thank you so much for the wishes 🥰

  • @princesskru255
    @princesskru255 2 года назад +5

    The amount of effort and research Latte puts into her videos is so cool and admirable. Soooo thankful for videos like these, now I can sleep! 😴

  • @reesie_pieces
    @reesie_pieces 2 года назад +5

    shes so pretty and positive and i literally love her so much because when im not feeling well (mentally) i watch her and its all fine💗

  • @GabTuesta
    @GabTuesta 2 года назад +203

    Hola querida Latte. Justo voy a tomar una siesta. Aprovecharé para relajarme con tu video ♥︎

  • @nanita7848
    @nanita7848 2 года назад +6

    I’m pregnant and I have been feeling like I can’t breathe 🥺❤️ thanks so much for helping me !! Your always so wonderful in your videos

  • @Utcheeow
    @Utcheeow 2 года назад +51

    She is just amazing in everything she does and says.
    Best ASMR ever on RUclips, hands down.
    Thanks for existing, Latte.

    • @ASMRMidnightDream
      @ASMRMidnightDream 2 года назад

      You're right she is very good and her videos make you relax. I have an ASMR channel and I would be honored if you would give me your kind ❤️❤️❤️

  • @pavonated
    @pavonated 2 года назад +2

    Thank you Latte for taking the time and care to share these videos with others

  • @soko0309
    @soko0309 2 года назад +1

    I am lucky person who found Latte’s yt channel. It’s really helped me for sleep at the end of the day. So many people that all around the world are listening her asmr to take for good nap. Wishing Latte all the best! You are angel

  • @LeayahChristine
    @LeayahChristine 2 года назад +5

    OMG. 3 in 1 . All amazing!! The sounds of that water bottle 💆‍♀️❤️. And the massage and chat at the end!! Absolutely Perfect. Thank u!!!

  • @ueeoaai9082
    @ueeoaai9082 2 года назад +13

    being adult sucks. latte just made me feel the nostalgia of childhood. indeed, time flies fast without us knowing. i almost teared up when she offered the dinosaur chocolate because i used to love dinosaur figures way back then. love you always, latte!

    • @heathermcintyre3968
      @heathermcintyre3968 2 года назад +1

      As an adult, no one ever asks what your favorite dinosaur is. So, what’s your favorite dinosaur??

    • @itsdragoninawagon
      @itsdragoninawagon 2 года назад +1

      @@heathermcintyre3968 i know i was not asked but i’ll butt in with an answer: archaeopteryx! deinocheirus and parasaurolophus are cool too :D

  • @el_popova
    @el_popova 2 года назад +8

    One of your most soothing videos. Very in time, I have a little bit of trouble with sleep.
    You are especially wonderful and radiant today. Thank you

  • @serenitylaugen5569
    @serenitylaugen5569 2 года назад +1

    0:00-0:55 intro
    0:55-1:00 asking questions
    1:00-1:30 hand sanitizer
    --The Exam--
    1:30-2:39 height and weight check
    2:39-4:25 blood pressure check
    4:25-5:37 letting you listen to your heart
    5:37-6:23 heart rate check
    6:23-8:01 ear check
    8:01-8:35 hearing check
    8:35-10:30 eye poster
    10:30-12:00 eyes check
    12:00-13:18 mouth check
    13:18-14:46 feeling your face
    14:46-15:44 candy time
    15:44-16:01 time to go
    --Lice Check--
    16:01-17:39 explaining what lice is
    17:39-21:53 checking scalp
    21:53-26:23 getting lice out of your hair
    26:23-28:42 checking your hair and plucking some lice out of your hair
    28:42-30:09 getting your hair wet
    30:09-32:01 washing your hair
    32:01-32:45 putting on a shower cap
    32:45-33:23 taking a towel off your head
    33:23-34:40 Spraying solution on your hair
    34:40-35:20 goodbyes
    35:20-35:53 candys
    --Taking Care of You--
    35:53-37:45 taking notes
    37:45-38:39 diagnosing you
    38:39-39:10 taking temp
    30:10-40:03 giving medicine
    40:03-40:53 time to nap
    40:53-41:16 wiping sweat
    41:16-42:15 putting heated pad on your stomach
    42:15-42:50 deep breaths
    42:50-43:36 massaging your arms
    43:36-45:03 massaging your hands
    43:36-47:40 saying goodbyes
    oof that took a long time TwT

  • @azel.sorbe.fitboxing
    @azel.sorbe.fitboxing 2 года назад +3

    Hi, sister! Your videos are the best ! So realistic and whispering is just right and authentic and you change scenes and write every day situation scenarios! Other channels overuse low whispering. So unrealistic from their side! My mom and myself we absolutely adore your videos. She watches it too to fall asleep 😴😄 Thanks a lot! 😊Good day! ☀️👑

  • @Brooklyn_Ann
    @Brooklyn_Ann 2 года назад +68

    Damn, I wish I'd had school nurses like her when I was little.

  • @tjbrown8924
    @tjbrown8924 2 года назад +15

    My 2 year old granddaughter was so happy when she saw your face, she waved and saw hiiiiii. We watch you together and both love you

    • @trenchh
      @trenchh 2 года назад +1

      that’s so sweet :,)

  • @jeffbuckner668
    @jeffbuckner668 2 года назад +2

    Never had an ASMR video make me cry and feel so special and loved. Thank you Latte.

  • @simplysaint
    @simplysaint 2 года назад +1

    As soon as Latte turned around and smiled at the beginning I IMMEDIATELY smiled back.. Such a beautiful, gentle soul 🥺♥️

  • @mochadream__
    @mochadream__ 2 года назад +3

    I miss your intros :( i remember the first school nurse lice check ASMR and the intro on that video was superb! I know it's too much work and not easy to do so I really appreciate your dedication to your videos. Hope you keep doing more of this school nurse roleplays. Your videos helps me relax and sleep everynight so thank you latte! ❤

  • @bestofyosuke
    @bestofyosuke 2 года назад +34

    When the world needs her most, she appears. And when I say world I mean me as I've had a stressful few days and this was so needed. Thank you as always, Latte. 💕

  • @aishaslittleland
    @aishaslittleland 2 года назад +6

    Thank you Latte for another beautifully relaxing nights rest! I hope you're taking care of yourself have a good day/night!!

  • @User71956
    @User71956 2 года назад +10

    I remember being in 3rd grade and would look forward to getting these checks because it would, without fail, trigger my ASMR. This video makes me feel like that again

  • @reflexzz724
    @reflexzz724 2 года назад +2

    At 43:23 onwards the sounds are just amazing and perfectly synced. Latte is just outstanding at ASMR.

  • @denialoo
    @denialoo 2 года назад +2

    Latte looks glowing in this vid, also not to mention the details on comments like “we have done this before, right?” It’s just so warm and full of love🥺 hope u are doing great Latte, thank u so much for everything that you do for us😌😚
    Also just a lil reminder for y’all to drink water, celebrate every lil accomplishment that you’ve done today and be kind to yourself💗✨

  • @juniperisaloser
    @juniperisaloser 2 года назад +3

    made me smile
    normally because of my sensory issues i cant watch most asmr because the sounds are too much for me but latte has just helped me get to love asmr
    (what made me smile is when she let us listen to our own heartbeat like,.,,,)

  • @itssarahbeth
    @itssarahbeth 2 года назад +5

    We wait patiently for a latte video and it is worth it everytime, she is on my top asmr artists and I appreciate her videos and the work she puts into them ❤

  • @PettyPaigetastic
    @PettyPaigetastic 2 года назад +11

    Not even 16 seconds in and I've got tingles from my calves up to my neck. Amazing. She's more than we deserve. 😊

  • @tryingtothrive157
    @tryingtothrive157 16 дней назад

    When I need to slow down and just give my mind a break, I come back to this video. It's so relaxing. Disarming. It puts me in that cozy phase necessary to start feeling sleepy. Thanks, Latte.

  • @mari-vh1oc
    @mari-vh1oc 2 года назад

    i’m really having a trouble falling asleep every night, but her calm & gentle voice just put me in the mood to sleep. i hope she knows that she’s helping a lot of young people to relax & feel comfort.
    i also appreciate how she let us use the stethoscope. she just healed something in me. as a child, i’ve always been confused by it & i always wanted to hear my own heart beat, but i couldn’t tell the doctor or the nurse because i thought it was not allowed.
    thank you, Latte! we appreciate you. :)

  • @BaNana-dc2tk
    @BaNana-dc2tk 2 года назад +13

    1:09 "...since you've grown up..." I didn't need the reminder 😭

  • @eblit7
    @eblit7 2 года назад +3

    Can’t believe it’s been 2 years since my last Lice checkup with Latte ☺️ thank you Latte 🥰

  • @Xhaiyo
    @Xhaiyo 2 года назад +8

    I wonder how long it takes Latte to pump out these videos, since she only posts about once every month. They are so relaxing a detailed, with all the cute scenery and decor. Plus her having her own life away from the camera. It always makes me happy when I see a new video because I know it’s going to be if not just as good, better then the last! ❤️ she puts so much effort into them and I’m so glad she has such a loving and supportive community. 🥰

  • @The_Random_Stuff_Girl
    @The_Random_Stuff_Girl Год назад +1

    In my opinion, there is only one problem about Latte's videos. The ASMR is so natural and relaxing and I fall asleep so fast. I never get to see past the first five minutes!