
Jan 15, 2021
I don't think this has been answered before since I searched and didn't see it.

I am unable to get the Jill Dinner cluck even with v8.1. Is it a bug?
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May 23, 2021
I've played through a few routes now but in the scenes display I'm still missing the two between the threeway with Sage&Quinn's and Bella. Can anyone tell me what those scenes are?
Madam’s scenes I believe. You have to choose “other” then call her in the last free room and pay for the two new scenes.
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Jan 17, 2020
can i get another download link, please? my usually "go to" is gofile and the other that recently closed i forgot the name or megaup(if available) any other link is either very slow or require premium account


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
how do you not choose anyone?? i only had the options to choose a girl
fuck around with side-girls a lot, including quinn. than you will get option to choose "others" and than the MC will say he is not ready for any serious relationship. easiest way to do this is a dik path of course. But you can do it even in a chick path. but you will need to do some things to get there, like swyper, go for jade, or use quinns offers and fuck her too, or fuck some side-girls at other opportunities. Then the "others" option will show up in the end... and you will end up in no relationship for now.


May 23, 2021
If i remember right there was a pull with 4 characters and people choose Madam... whats wrong with them :BootyTime:
Someone must like her. Idk who but more power to em. I’m more surprised that eating her out won the poll for this episode. Who pays a prostitute to eat her out?!?
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Aug 20, 2019
BTW, I believe you guys can help me.
English isn't my native language, so the English Class Mini-game is the one that for me is a little difficult. Probably somewhere already there are the answers to the Episode 8,but I still didn'y played the whole game and I don't want to read any spoilers.
Could someone help and give me in the answer the words for this Episodes English test? I would be grateful for your help.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
english test.png
BTW, I believe you guys can help me.
English isn't my native language, so the English Class Mini-game is the one that for me is a little difficult. Probably somewhere already there are the answers to the Episode 8,but I still didn'y played the whole game and I don't want to read any spoilers.
Could someone help and give me in the answer the words for this Episodes English test? I would be grateful for your help.
there you go, was many post before mine posted, cant find it anymore, so i will post it agian

ah i post the math test too...

1st Math Minigame answers:
2nd Math Minigame answers:

posted already by the same guy who did the english test screeny, but as i said, cant find the post anymore, iam taking no credit for this but its helpful to post this again i think


May 21, 2021
fuck around with side-girls a lot, including quinn. than you will get option to choose "others" and than the MC will say he is not ready for any serious relationship. easiest way to do this is a dik path of course. But you can do it even in a chick path. but you will need to do some things to get there, like swyper, go for jade, or use quinns offers and fuck her too, or fuck some side-girls at other opportunities. Then the "others" option will show up in the end... and you will end up in no relationship for now.
i did that, i literally fucked everyone i could but still no others option


Active Member
Jun 30, 2017
So like Neil is racing Lynette to the hospital as her contractions are very close together. Suddenly she's like,

Lynette: "OMG, the baby's crowning!"​

Neil turns around and gets a facefull of a vision no father wants to remember, he's like:

Neil: "Oh My Fucking God!"​

And then Bang! They plough into a bollard on the side of the road, Lynette is mashed as the car concertinas, causing the mc to rocket out through the front window and headbutts Lana as she's walking by, carrying her young sister on her shoulders.

Lana's lifeless body slumps to the ground while Jill, who is too young to understand what's going on (she doesn't understand shit and she's in her 20s, so imagine how clueless she'd be as a 3 year old), starts playing with the baby:

Jill: Baby!​

And there we have it. Jill finds out and blames the mc for her sister's death. The mc finds out and blames his dad for his mother's death. And Jade finds out and finally understands why the bollard outside her building has been bent for the last 19 years.

Alternatively, Jill, who is only a couple of years older than the mc, looks to be 5 or 6 years old on her sister's shoulders in the photograph. This means Lynette died years before Lana. Meaning their deaths aren't related at all.

Nah, the first version is better, it also explains what's wrong with the mc's face... :p
Your point?

We don't know how Lana died. So we have no way of knowing if their deaths are related or not. And just because Lana died few years later it does not necessarily mean those two death are not related. Lana's death could easily be suicide over her guilt of causing Lynette's death in some way... or over not helping her in time of need which led to Lynette's death.


Jun 6, 2020
OK, the dust has settled and it's time to see where we stand. So, what dramas have been resolved and what new shit is about to hit the fan (note that some of these questions are relevant only to certain paths)?

Obviously if you start reading from these tables, you're gonna encounter a spoiler or two. So stopping fucking reading now and don't bitch about me not using a spoiler tag; you don't put in this kinda effort and then hide it under a fucking spoiler tag. Of course if enough people start hanging shit on me, I'll cave...

Questions Going in to Ep5Answered (or partly)New Questions
  • Is Chad Gay?
  • Who sent the Jocks the pictures?
  • Who sent the Cathy cluck?
  • What behind Bella's door?
  • What's the deal with Bella and James?
  • What is Quinn plotting?
  • Who is Quinn working with?
  • Will M (& now J) get in to the HOTs?
  • What was Maya's Dad's "ultimatum"?
  • Will the MC get in to the DIKs?
  • Who is the MC's Mom's family?
  • Who is Sage's family?
  • Who is in the other picture frame seen in Jade's home at the start of Ep 3?
  • What is Quinn plotting?
    • A: The HOTs being at the Prep party so she could try selling them drugs.
  • Will the MC get in to the DIKs?
    • A: Yes
  • How will M&J complete the Scavenger Hunt list with and without the MC?
  • What happened between Bella and Jill and why does it seem to relate to James?
  • Will Vinny return as an antagonist?
  • What are Sarah and Melanie up to?
  • What's the prize for winning Hell Week?
  • Will Tommy go against the MC?
  • Is the guy with the man-bun Sage's Dad?
  • Will the MC make Riona cum?

Questions Going in to EP6Answered (or partly)New Questions
  • Is Chad Gay?
  • Who sent the Jocks the pictures?
  • Who sent the Cathy cluck?
  • What behind Bella's door?
  • What's the deal with Bella and James?
  • Who is Quinn working with?
  • Will M (& now J) get in to the HOTs?
  • What was Maya's Dad's "ultimatum"?
  • Who is the MC's Mom's family?
  • Who is Sage's family?
  • Who is in the other picture frame seen in Jade's home at the start of Ep 3?
  • How will M&J complete the Scavenger Hunt list with and without the MC?
  • What happened between Bella and Jill and why does it seem to relate to James?
  • Will Vinny return as an antagonist?
  • What are Sarah and Melanie up to?
  • What's the prize for winning Hell Week?
  • Will Tommy go against the MC?
  • Is the guy with the man-bun Sage's Dad?
  • Will the MC make Riona cum?
  • Who is Quinn working with?
    • A: (Partly) A drug gang that her Dad was in and who Vinny is also working for.
  • Will M (& now J) get in to the HOTs?
    • A: Yes, but it may be short-lived, for Maya at least.
  • What was Maya's Dad's "ultimatum"?
    • A: To agree to never to see Josy again in exchange for him releasing her tuition money to her.
  • Who is the MC's Mom's family?
    • A: (Partly) We've started to explore this with the diary.
  • How will M&J complete the Scavenger Hunt list with and without the MC?
    • A: A pseudo-threesome in a field on the threesome path, and somehow faked it on the other path.
  • What's the prize for winning Hell Week?
    • A: A one year VIP pass to the Pink Rose.
  • Will Tommy go against the MC?
    • A: Apparently not.
  • Why is Quinn working with this drug gang?
  • What happened to Quinn's Dad?
  • Why did Chad choose to break up with Sage now?
  • Will the MC have to choose to give his $5000 to someone in order to help them?
  • Who was outside the MC's room?
  • Is there a traitor in the DIKs and is it Nick?
  • Will choosing Sage over Jill have a major affect on that relationship?
  • How will the MC beat Tybalt's blackmailing of Jill?
  • What will the MC's Mom's diary reveal?
  • Will the MC be able to help Cathy stay?
  • Will a Neutral/CHICK be able to help Quinn?
  • Will there be a confrontation with Maya's Dad and if so, what will the outcome be?
  • How will the HOTs react to finding out Mona has left the college?
  • Who was the woman lying on the matress with Rox and Buddy (she seemed insignificant in when we first saw her, but in light of recent speculation I've added it)?
  • Who was the woman that spoke to Quinn when she went to visit Buddy?

Questions Going in to EP7Answered (or partly)New Questions
  • Is Chad Gay?
  • Who sent the Jocks the pictures?
  • Who sent the Cathy cluck?
  • What behind Bella's door?
  • What's the deal with Bella and James?
  • Who is Sage's family?
  • Who is in the other picture frame seen in Jade's home at the start of Ep 3?
  • What happened between Bella and Jill and why does it seem to relate to James?
  • Will Vinny return as an antagonist?
  • What are Sarah and Melanie up to?
  • Is the guy with the man-bun Sage's Dad?
  • Will the MC make Riona cum?
  • Why is Quinn working with this drug gang?
  • What happened to Quinn's Dad?
  • Why did Chad choose to break up with Sage now?
  • Will the MC have to choose to give his $5000 to someone in order to help them?
  • Who was outside the MC's room?
  • Is there a traitor in the DIKs and is it Nick?
  • Will choosing Sage over Jill have a major affect on that relationship?
  • How will the MC beat Tybalt's blackmailing of Jill?
  • What will the MC's Mom's diary reveal?
  • Will the MC be able to help Cathy stay?
  • Will a Neutral/CHICK be able to help Quinn?
  • Will there be a confrontation with Maya's Dad and if so, what will the outcome be?
  • How will the HOTs react to finding out Mona has left the college?
  • Who was the woman lying on the matress with Rox and Buddy?
  • Who was the woman that spoke to Quinn when she went to visit Buddy?
  • Is Chad Gay?
    • A: Yes, with Troy
  • What are Sarah and Melanie up to?
    • A: (Partly) They were aware of Chad and Troy's relationship
  • Will the MC make Riona cum?
    • A: (Partly) He failed to do it again, hopefully there will be another chance
  • Why is Quinn working with this drug gang?
    • A: (Partly) Family business, but we still don't know if there's more too it
  • What happened to Quinn's Dad?
    • A: (Partly) Possible cocaine overdoes but not 100% confirmed
  • Why did Chad choose to break up with Sage now?
    • A: (Partly) To be with Troy, but we don't know if there's more to the timing
  • Will the MC have to choose to give his $5000 to someone in order to help them?
    • A: (Partly) He has considered helping out Maya or Quinn with the 5K
  • Will choosing Sage over Jill have a major affect on that relationship?
    • A: Yes
  • What will the MC's Mom's diary reveal?
    • A: (Partly) We learnt that Neil was a bit of a bullshitter, and how he came to meet Lynette
  • Will the MC be able to help Cathy stay?
    • A: No
  • Will there be a confrontation with Maya's Dad and if so, what will the outcome be?
    • A: (Partly) Not much came from the confrontation other than Josy stayed with the HOTs and Maya stayed alone in her room. The dad is still a problem long term.
  • How will the HOTs react to finding out Mona has left the college?
    • A: Sage was not happy that three sisters dropped out and Asked Quinn to chase them up to find the reasons. Quinn did a shit job of chasing them up. The rest of the HOTs were a bit sad that the girls quit but nothing was discussed as to why Mona left.
  • How did Jill's sister Lana die?
  • What is Jill's campaign about specifically (It was done in Lana's honor but what is it about)?
  • Is Lily seriously looking to have Quinn supply drugs to the Pink Rose girls?
  • Will the MC take Lily up on her request and start rolling with her?
  • What will Jill's third date with Tybalt be and what will happen once they have finished the third date?
  • Who is the Madame? We've only ever seen her with her mask on.

Questions Going In to EP8Answered (or partly)New Questions
  • Who sent the Jocks the pictures?
  • Who sent the Cathy cluck?
  • What behind Bella's door?
  • What's the deal with Bella and James?
  • Who is Sage's family?
  • Who is in the other picture frame seen in Jade's home at the start of Ep 3?
  • What happened between Bella and Jill and why does it seem to relate to James?
  • Will Vinny return as an antagonist?
  • What are Sarah and Melanie up to?
  • Is the guy with the man-bun Sage's Dad?
  • Will the MC make Riona cum?
  • Why is Quinn working with this drug gang?
  • What happened to Quinn's Dad?
  • Why did Chad choose to break up with Sage now?
  • Will the MC have to choose to give his $5000 to someone in order to help them?
  • Who was outside the MC's room?
  • Is there a traitor in the DIKs and is it Nick?
  • How will the MC beat Tybalt's blackmailing of Jill?
  • What will the MC's Mom's diary reveal?
  • Will a Neutral/CHICK be able to help Quinn?
  • Will there be a confrontation with Maya's Dad and if so, what will the outcome be?
  • Who was the woman lying on the mattress with Rox and Buddy?
  • Who was the woman that spoke to Quinn when she went to visit Buddy?
  • What will be the fallout from Burke seeing the Jade and MC video?
  • How did Jill's sister Lana die?
  • What is Jill's campaign about specifically (It was done in Lana's honor but what is it about)?
  • Is Lily seriously looking to have Quinn supply drugs to the Pink Rose girls?
  • What will Jill's third date with Tybalt be and what will happen once they have finished the third date?
  • Who is the Madame?
  • Who is Sage's family?
    • A: It's the Burkes! So much for manbun!
  • Who is in the other picture frame seen in Jade's home at the start of Ep 3?
    • A: Why it's Sage of course!
  • Will Vinny return as an antagonist?
    • A: (Partly) Looks like Tommy is getting his fix from Vinny, but where that will lead we still don't know.
  • Is the guy with the man-bun Sage's Dad?
    • A: (Partial) Nope, he was a total red herring! She's an adopted Burke! But the question still remains, who is man-bun's daughter?
  • How will the MC beat Tybalt's blackmailing of Jill?
    • A: The mc didn't have to do jack. Jill grew a spine and ripped Tybalt's spine out, and tore him a new asshole at the same time!
  • What will the MC's Mom's diary reveal?
    • A: (Partly) Lynette is somehow connected to Jill as the picture from her album has Jill's house in it.
  • Will a Neutral/CHICK be able to help Quinn?
    • A: No, she won't even touch him, like literally she says she won't touch him, so he needs to be a DIK, plain and simple.
  • Is Lily seriously looking to have Quinn supply drugs to the Pink Rose girls?
    • A: Yes, just ask Sandy, she's desperate for a hit.
  • What will Jill's third date with Tybalt be and what will happen once they have finished the third date?
    • A: A lovely romantic dinner where he planned to propose. From his perspective, it turns to shit, Jill tells him a few truths and Tybalt cries himself to sleep holding his watermelon.
  • Who is the girl getting spit-roasted at the Dorm Party?
  • Who gave the positive pregnancy test?
  • Will the Burkes help Maya?
  • How will Jill overcome her heartbreak?
  • How will the mc break up with Maya & Josy?
  • Is Quinn gonna get her ending with the mc?
  • Will the mc get to hatefuck Becky (as suggested by Sarah)?
  • The house from Lynette's album is definitely the house Jill grew up in. What the fuck does that mean?!
  • Was that a cop car watching Riona selling drugs? Maybe someone else is watching her, not just CUMPetition Boy.
  • Who's that slimy fuck that Cathy's meeting?
  • Zoe? Lots of questions... The best one being, will anyone in this game ever have such a beautiful animation as her body pan, blink, smile, shrug and forehead lift? Just... go back and watch it again, alright?
  • Will the mc get to have a solo relationship with Maya or Josy?

Questions Going In to EP9Answered (or partly)New Questions
  • Who sent the Jocks the pictures?
  • Who sent the Cathy cluck?
  • What behind Bella's door?
  • What's the deal with Bella and James?
  • What happened between Bella and Jill and why does it seem to relate to James?
  • Will Vinny return as an antagonist?
  • What are Sarah and Melanie up to?
  • Who is manbun's daughter?
  • Will the MC make Riona cum?
  • Why is Quinn working with this drug gang?
  • What happened to Quinn's Dad?
  • Why did Chad choose to break up with Sage now?
  • Will the MC have to choose to give his $5000 to someone in order to help them?
  • Who was outside the MC's room?
  • Is there a traitor in the DIKs and is it Nick?
  • What will the MC's Mom's diary reveal?
  • Will there be a confrontation with Maya's Dad and if so, what will the outcome be?
  • Who was the woman lying on the mattress with Rox and Buddy?
  • Who was the woman that spoke to Quinn when she went to visit Buddy?
  • What will be the fallout from Burke seeing the Jade and MC video?
  • How did Jill's sister Lana die?
  • What is Jill's campaign about specifically (It was done in Lana's honor but what is it about)?
  • Who is the Madame?
  • Who is the girl getting spit-roasted at the Dorm Party?
  • Who gave the positive pregnancy test?
  • Will the Burkes help Maya?
  • How will Jill overcome her heartbreak?
  • How will the mc break up with Maya & Josy?
  • Is Quinn gonna get her ending with the mc?
  • Will the mc get to hatefuck Becky (as suggested by Sarah)?
  • The house from Lynette's album is definitely the house Jill grew up in. What the fuck does that mean?!
  • Was that a cop car watching Riona selling drugs? Maybe someone else is watching her, not just CUMPetition Boy.
  • Who's that slimy fuck that Cathy's meeting?
  • Zoe? Lots of questions... The best one being, will anyone in this game ever have such a beautiful animation as her body pan, blink, smile, shrug and forehead lift? Just... go back and watch it again, alright?
  • Will the mc get to have a solo relationship with Maya or Josy?

This episode update has been done from memory, so if I've fucked some shit up, or missed some shit out, let me know.
You forgot the identity and reason behind Rionas stalker. Honestly it felt like it was built as a serious issue that seemed related to Quinns drug racket, turns out it was just that failed wannabe Dik, who bust a nut and caught feelings
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Aug 20, 2019
View attachment 1513366

there you go, was many post before mine posted, cant find it anymore, so i will post it agian

ah i post the math test too...

1st Math Minigame answers:
2nd Math Minigame answers:

posted already by the same guy who did the english test screeny, but as i said, cant find the post anymore, iam taking no credit for this but its helpful to post this again i think
Thank you very much. Like I said, I believed that it already was posted, but the possible spoilers let me think that maybe is better just to ask someone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
The biggest problem with the interlude is that we are absolutely not interested in Zoey. I'm not guessing what her story is, but what appears right in the middle of the series means something. And it is unlikely that her role will be reduced to the fact that Zoey was just a romantic threat.
I am afraid that we will have only one episode in 2022. A small interlude will be released in early spring, and only in the fall of the 9th episode for Halloween 2022. I do not know how he will go to schedule 2 episodes a year. Otherwise, we are waiting for 5-6 years of development, and it is very difficult to maintain the game at this level for so many years. The doctor has found his loving work and the figures of patreon show that he is doing everything right.
It's a vicious circle. I really liked episode 8, but nothing happened in it. The plot needs to be moved and only the ending of the episode hints at some kind of plot in season 3.
I'm trying to be optimistic, but there is too much indirect evidence that the Doctor himself is tired of the game. This is already a business.


May 23, 2021
You forgot the identity and reason behind Rionas stalker. Honestly it felt like it was built as a serious issue that seemed related to Quinns drug racket, turns out it was just that failed wannabe Dik, who bust a nut and caught feelings
That’s because he either started stalking her again, or there is more then one stalker. We see the blue van again when RiRi is handing pills off to Cami.
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